Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Take Some Time to Just Be

The business world is often hectic and full of stress. Taking a break from that chaos is essential to a person's sanity. "The mark of a successful man is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it." While keeping up with work and making sure every business need is met is essential to operating a successful company, you must realize that there comes a time when you must separate your business life from your personal life. On top of being able to separate the two, you must not feel guilty for taking time away from work. There is nothing wrong with being a work-a-holic...except for the part that being a work-a-holic means you have an addiction. Instead of being a work-a-holic (which has a somewhat negative connotation) try being dedicated to your work. The difference is that you realize there are times when it is ok to take a breather and your personal life is a priority that fits in above your professional life. Never let business become more important than your family life.

So exactly what does it mean to "just be?" I will break it down for you.
  1. Just: adverb; actually, really, positively
  2. Be: verb; to exist
Put the two words together to come up with...drum roll please...really, to exist. But how does one simply exist? Can you ever really do nothing but exist? This, I cannot fully explain. It means something different to everyone to "just be."

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