Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Socialnomics 101...Enroll Now!!

After taking an entrepreneurship class and discussing each class session the importance of web presence and using social networking tools, this video completely reinforces everything I have learned about social networks and the power of the internet. I have since decided that maybe universities should add a course for business students that focuses on how to gain better web presence and how to effectively use social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, for business purposes. A company lacking web presence is limiting the number of people it can reach as well as which market segments its message will reach.

Think about your personal Facebook account. How many friends do you have? And how many friends do each of those friends have? It is so easy for information to be spread through Facebook. A simple status change notifies all your friends that P90X is "kicking your butt." I saw this generic Facebook status several times on pages of my friends and finally decided to ask one of them what on earth P90X was. My friend then explained to me that it was an exercise and dietary program. Her review of the product was simple: it is difficult, but it works and I love it. Needless to say, I will be starting the P90X workout program in a week. Gaining a presence on a social network is as simple as starting a page and inviting your friends to "Like" whatever business your page is about. If people are satisfied, consumer reviews on these social networks will spread on their own.

We had a guest speaker in our entrepreneurship class who talked in great detail about the importance of gaining web presence. He said that people are much more likely to visit a website with a video than those without. How many people will visit this website because it had a video? Maybe you did. There is simply no substitute for the internet and tools you can use on it to market your business. Create a website and perfect it. Join social networks and create pages for fans. Word of mouth--or rather word of tweet or Facebook posts--advertising will happen on its own if customers are pleased with your product or service. Use websites such as for help in internet marketing. Remember, the web is worldwide. You can essentially reach almost every market you wish to through the use of the internet. There is no substitute for the internet.

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