Sunday, September 18, 2011

Every Day Is a Great Day-If You So Choose It To Be

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." ~Charles R. Swindoll

Nobody can make you feel or do anything. Everything is a choice and we each have our own agency to make whatever choice we would like. Frequently, we use a phrase similar to this: "I'm having a bad day." Are we really having a bad day? What makes it a bad day? The circumstances? Or is it really the attitude and the outlook on the situation? Ever see someone going through something you have gone through, but they seem to be taking it so well compared to the way you dealt with the situation and you wonder how they could be doing so well in such a hard time?

Attitude is everything is such a cliche expression, yet there are not many words more true than those. Simple, yet difficult at the same time; they trumpet an incredibly simple concept, but a difficult one to live by. We may not always be able to control our circumstances, or what is going on around us, but we can ALWAYS control our attitude. Every morning, I wake up and consciously choose that I will have a good day. No matter what happens, how many things seem to go wrong or against me, no matter what anyone says or does to me, I will choose to be happy and choose that my day will be great. Does this mean I don't have those "bad days" we all speak about? No, it most certainly does not. However, it does mean my attitude needed some adjusting that day. We have all had terrible things happen to us, some more than others, but we are all responsible for the way we react to them and choose to deal with them. Being happy is a choice, as is being sad, angry, irritated, or anything else for that matter.

The worst thing we can do when things are going wrong is blame others, blame our current circumstances or even make excuses. This is choosing to neglect responsibility and attempting to push that responsibility somewhere else (coward's way out). Developing the skill of changing our attitude does not happen when things are going well. It happens when things are going poorly, and we decide in spite of all those things, to have a positive attitude and be happy nonetheless. Next time you go to shift the blame somewhere besides on yourself, decide to accept the blame and figure out how you can better your situation with your attitude. Being aware of our bad attitude is the only way to correct it. Humble yourself, and realize that things can always be better as long as your attitude is!

Don't be oblivious to your circumstances, or even deny what they are. However, do not blame them for your "bad day" or your life being "not so perfect." Accept that the circumstances are there, and although you probably cannot change them, you can focus on changing how you react to and deal with them. Make a conscious effort each day to adjust your attitude to see the best in all things. If it seems like there couldn't possibly be good in something, then just start with the thoughts of all the things you have in your life to be grateful for. You will find it hard to have a negative attitude if you begin to thank God for the blessings he has graced you with. Realize that each day is a great day, and it is your responsibility to make it so!

1 comment:

  1. Tawn! This is a great post. We can never be reminded too often about the importance of having a good attitude. One crucial part that goes along with this which you pointed out is the importance of not blaming others, blaming our circumstances, or making excuses. Also, being able to recognize our bad attitudes is important, because as you noted if we don't there will never be anyway to correct it. Our attitude determines our altitude!! Thanks Tawn.
